Recent publications by members of the research group. To see a full list of publications for any individual, view their research profile.
- McQuistin, S, Snyder, P, Haddadi, H & Tyson, G 2024, 'A First Look at Related Website Sets', Paper presented at Internet Measurement Conference, Madrid, Spain, 4/11/24 - 6/11/24.
- Guo, Z, Fang, L, Lin, J, Qian, Y, Zhao, S, Wang, Z, Dong, J, Chen, C, Arandjelović, O & Lau, CP 2024 'A Grey-box attack against latent diffusion model-based image editing by posterior collapse' arXiv. <>
- Guo, Z, Li, W, Qian, Y, Arandelovic, O & Fang, L 2024, A White-Box False Positive Adversarial Attack Method on Contrastive Loss Based Offline Handwritten Signature Verification Models. in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. vol. 238, pp. 901-909.
- Spink, T & Franke, B 2024, Accelerating shared library execution in a DBT. in Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED International Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES'24): June 24, 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark. ACM, New York, NY, pp. 1-11, ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED International Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES 2024), Copenhagen, Denmark, 24/06/24.
- Lei, Y, He, S, Khamis, M & Ye, J 2024, 'An end-to-end review of gaze estimation and its interactive applications on handheld mobile devices', ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 56, no. 2, 34.
- Guo, Z, Dong, J, Qian, Y, Wang, K, Li, W, Guo, Z, Wang, Y, Li, Y, Arandjelović, O & Fang, L 2024, Artwork protection against neural style transfer using locally adaptive adversarial color attack. in U Endriss, FS Melo, K Bach, A Bugarín-Diz, JM Alonso-Moral, S Barro & F Heintz (eds), 27th European conference on artificial intelligence, 19–24 October 2024, Santiago de Compostela, Spain: including 13th Conference on prestigious applications of intelligent systems (PAIS 2024). Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications, vol. 392, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 1414 - 1421.
- Connor, R, Dearle, A, Claydon, B & Vadicamo, L 2024, 'Correlations of cross-entropy loss in machine learning', Entropy, vol. 26, no. 6, 491.
- Eccles, BJ, Rodgers, P, Kilpatrick, P, Spence, I & Varghese, B 2024, 'DNNShifter: an efficient DNN pruning system for edge computing', Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 152, pp. 43-54.,
- Balasubramaniam, D 2024, 'Digital inclusion in later life', British Society of Gerontology Scotland - Relaunch Event, Stirling, United Kingdom, 26/09/24.
- Wu, D, Ullah, R, Rodgers, P, Kilpatrick, P, Spence, I & Varghese, B 2024, 'EcoFed: efficient communication for DNN partitioning-based federated learning', IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. Early Access, 10380682.
- Chhetri, TR, Dehury, CK, Varghese, B, Fensel, A, Srirama, SN & DeLong, RJ 2024, 'Enabling privacy-aware interoperable and quality IoT data sharing with context', Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 157, pp. 164-179.
- Miller, AHD, Chapman, A, Zhang, J & Cassidy, CA 2024, 'Engaging with climate change through intelligent characters in historic scenes', 30th European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy, 28/08/24 - 31/08/24.
- Habu, AA & Henderson, T 2024, Enhancing citizen participation through data subject right delegation. in A Bramwell-Dicks, A Evans, M Winckler, H Petrie & J Abdelnour-Nocera (eds), Design for equality and justice: INTERACT 2023 IFIP TC 13 workshops, York, UK, August 28 – September 1, 2023, Revised selected papers, part II. Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 14536, Springer, Cham, pp. 27–43, IFIP TC13 International Conference (INTERACT 2023), York, United Kingdom, 28/08/23.
- Wilmshurst, T, Toulson, R & Spink, T 2024, Fast and effective embedded systems design: from bits and bytes to IoT, with the Arm Mbed. 3rd edn, Newnes, Amsterdam.